Saturday, 26 August 2017

2500 people in Twifo need clean water to save lives

Project Purpose: The main purpose of the project is to improve access to clean water in 10 identified project communities that will maximize Health benefits and reduce poverty of the people.

Project Descriptions: In the absence of portable water to the 10 identified project communities, the rate of death associated with the 10 most common diseases, which are preventable, has increased steadily in the last 5 years. Infant’s mortality rate is currently very high, 7 out every 10 death result from Malaria, Severe Diarrhea and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. The poor health of the people in this 10 communities and the rate of death associated with these preventable diseases has now become a big concern to all stake holders in our project area. To address this problem, we have decided to initiate this project aimed at supplying the 10 project communities with reliable and easily accessible clean water through the construction of boreholes fitted with electric pumps where electricity is available and manual pumps at where we don't have electricity. A whole water system shall be put in place with the drilling of a borehole, which shall be connected to a poly tank mounted on an elevated platform fitted with an electric pump and filters to pump water into the poly tank for use by the communities. Manual or hand pumps shall also be fixed to the drilled boreholes in communities without electricity for the people to have access to clean water.

Our Request: £25000

This amount shall be used to drill boreholes, procure electric pumps and filters, to procure poly tanks and to raise platforms to mount the poly tanks, which would complete the water system for use by the communities.

Donate £50-£3000 to help us procure the electric pumps, filters, poly tanks and cement to build the water storage platforms. Donations can be made directly into project bank account provided below.


Name of Bank               :        SG BANK LIMITED

Address                         :        P.O. BOX 1019 CAPE COAST. C/R. GHANA.
Physical Address          :        Castle Rd., In The SSNIT Building, Cape Coast.

City                                :         CAPE COAST

Postal Code                   :        233

Country                         :         GHANA

SWIFT Code                  :        SSEBGHAC

Account Number           :        0191010024788

Account Name              :        TWIFU RUAL YOUTH AND WOMEN CONCERN

International Corresponding Bank in the USA:

- Name of Bank             :        SOCIETE GENERALE

- Address                       :        1221 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS
                                                NEW YORK. NY 10020

- Country                       :        U S A

- S.W.I.F.T Code            :        SOGEUS33

CURRENT ACCOUNT # :        189367

Thursday, 19 November 2015


Dear Friends,

This year, on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, Twifu Rural Youth And Women Concern are participating in #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving.

As we approach the holiday giving season, #GivingTuesday is an opportunity to celebrate the spirit of cheerful giving by making a donation to Ghana,  through The Globalgiving. When you make an online donation on December 1, you will unite with others to maximize impact! It shows the world the transformational power that can happen in one day.

Last year, thanks to the extravagant generosity of our supporters, we raised $600.00.Within the end of year campaign December 1 to 31, 2014.

These donations and other gifts allowed us to complete one additional Hand Dug Well, which was made possible from the donations. The Hand Dug Well is currently serving 250 people with clean accessible water. Since its founding in 2012, #GivingTuesday has inspired giving around the world, resulting in greater donations, volunteer hours, and activities that bring about real change in communities. We invite you to join the movement and to help get out the give this December 1.

Help us spread the word about #GivingTuesday, Get your workplace family and friends encourage them to donate to our project using this

We look forward to receive your donations.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Project Visit By Helen Denyer Globalgiving UK.

Helen Crossing a foot bridge on one of the streams used by the project communities for domestic purposes.
Helen and Matthew relaxing on the uncompleted well at Sokoo, which is ready to be fitted with a pump.
This is Faustina Avorgah from Sokoo Community. She is age 32 years with 5 children the younger she is carrying is just 5 months old. She is anxious to see a pump fixed on their well, which is almost completed. She appealed strongly to Helen to ensure that this is done before close of this year.
  Margret Dzibe Age 38 and a mother of 8 children the last one she is carrying in the picture is under one year. She has lived in the Gabion Project community all her life. According to her, the water facility provided to her community by globalgiving has make life easier for her and the children. One of the children is disable and she was asking for further assistance to enable the disable boy go to school.  

Margret is demonstrating to Helen how tasteful the water is and how she enjoys it with her children 

Monday, 29 July 2013

TRYAWCO on new blog.

Twifu Rural Youth and Women Concern are very happy to find this new blog page and we hope our followers would get to know details of our work in the coming days. Be on the look out for more events and activities on our ongoing projects.